Our Mission

To improve access to cancer care, enhance continuing medical education, foster implementation science research in hematology and oncology, thereby reducing the global burden of cancer.

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Campaign

If you’re running a time-bound campaign, explain why you’re asking your supporters to fundraise, what impact it will make, and why you need their support now.

The Power of Your Donations

  • $50 can provide a cancer screening: Help us screen more people for cancer. Early detection is crucial to improve chances of survival and quality of life from cancer. $50 covers the costs of screening one person in our community outreach health camps and at our current hospital program in Janakpur, Nepal.
  • $150 can build 1 square foot of new hospital, or provide one round of chemotherapy: You can help lay a foundation for cancer care in Nepal. $150 equates to building 1 square foot of a new cancer hospital that will serve 20,000 cancer patients every year for years to come.
  • $1,000 can provide one surgery: you can help a cancer patient receive life-saving surgery to remove a tumor.
  • $2,500 can treat one cancer patient: this includes their doctor visits, nursing care, labs, imaging, chemo, and surgery if needed.

Create Your Fundraising Page

  1. Select Become a Fundraiser and choose your fundraising style from the available choices.


    1. As an Individual – Sign up to get started right away and fundraise on your own for the cause you love
    2. Join a Team – If your school, business, or other group has already created a team, join them to make an even greater impact
    3. Create a Team – If you plan on recruiting your friends and family to set up fundraising pages in addition to yourself, make sure to create a team so you can work together
  1. Set your fundraising goal – There is a pre-populated goal, but you can customize that goal to whatever is right for you. Remember that you can come back to edit your goal at any time. Here are some ideas of how the money you intend to raise will impact our mission.
    • $50 can provide a cancer screening: Help us screen more people for cancer. Early detection is crucial to improve chances of survival and quality of life from cancer. $50 covers the costs of screening one person in our community outreach health camps and at our current hospital program in Janakpur, Nepal.
    • $150 can build 1 square foot of new hospital, or provide one round of chemotherapy: You can help lay a foundation for cancer care in Nepal. $150 equates to building 1 square foot of a new cancer hospital that will serve 20,000 cancer patients every year for years to come.
    • $1,000 can provide one surgery: you can help a cancer patient receive life-saving surgery to remove a tumor.
    • $2,500 can treat one cancer patient: this includes their doctor visits, nursing care, labs, imaging, chemo, and surgery if needed.
  2. Choose a fundraising end date
  3. Add your headline – Share a short blurb about why you are fundraising for our organization.
  4. Choose what you’re fundraising for – This ensures that the funds you raise will go toward the specific program/goal/community you’re advocating for
  5. Set a short URL – This lets you easily share your page with your friends and family
    1. Example: https://give.binayfoundation.org/my-fundraiser
  6. Upload a photo – Make your page more personalized and recognizable for your friends and family. You can always come back and change it at any time!

To learn more about editing and personalizing your page, explore Classy’s article on How to edit a fundraising page.

Click here to get started!

Tell Your Fundraising Story

People love giving to people they know!

Adding personal touches to your fundraising page, like why you’re fundraising, your connection to our organization, or personal photos and stories, helps your friends and family connect more with our mission. Your supporters will feel more compelled to give because they understand your unique relationship to our cause and what our organization means to you. So don’t forget to personalize your page to reflect your reason for fundraising and share updates as your progress grows!

PRO TIP:  Be the first to donate to your fundraising page to show your dedication to the mission. You’re bubbling up your progress bar and removing any fear of donors being the first to “join the party”!

Key Messages

Here are a few key messages that can help you start your outreach. They’re also great to share with your friends and family if they ever ask you what our organization does in the community.

  • 4,262,400 lives impacted per year through BTF’s programs educating healthcare providers to deliver better care for their patients.
  • 1,700+ patients treated in Nepal, including 1,000+ chemotherapy treatments and 100+ life-saving surgeries performed
  • 3,000+ healthcare providers trained with more than 10,000 hours/credits of CME-accredited education provided at 40+ conferences in 2024 alone

Click here to get started!

Spread the Word

You’re on your way to fundraising success! Now, it’s time to spread the word and make progress toward your goal. 

We suggest starting by creating a list of people you plan to contact.

  1. Start with your closest inner circle – This is a great group to target for your first few donations, as they are more likely to respond to your outreach. It’s always nice to get some quick wins in the beginning!
  2. Cast a wider net – Don’t be afraid to look beyond your immediate connections and expand your list. Some people in your wider network may have a personal connection to our mission, which could spark some great conversations on top of a donation towards your goal!

Email Examples

Email is one of the easiest and most effective ways to raise money. It should be the first step in your outreach strategy.

PRO TIP: Keep your message clear, direct, and timely! Don’t be afraid to add visual and personal elements to catch donors’ attention and inspire immediate action. 

Example 1:

Subject – [Add Powerful Subject Line]

Dear [Name],

I’m raising money for [Your Organization], and it would mean so much if you could help me reach my goal! 

Please Click Here [Add Your Fundraising Page] to give.

Here are some quick facts about [Your Organization]’s mission:

[Add information about your organization]

Thanks so much for your support!


Example 2: 

Subject – [Add Powerful Subject Line]

Hey [Name],

I’m fundraising for [Your Organization], an organization that [Why you support our organization]. The money raised will go towards [Your Organization’s Impact]

I’m trying to raise [$ Fundraising Goal] by [DEADLINE]. If I can inspire just five people to contribute [$ Fundraising Goal/5] or more, I’m there.

It’s really important for me to help [Your Organization’s Mission] because [Your unique connection to the cause]. I hope you’ll support me and [Your Organization] by making a gift to my fundraising page below.

Thanks so much for your support!


Example 3:

Write your own!

Subject – [Add Powerful Subject Line]

Hey [Name],


Thanks so much for your support!


Example Social Posts

In addition to email, use social media to bolster your communication outreach. This is a great way to reach people outside your inner circle. To make this even easier, take advantage of your fundraising page’s built-in social sharing options!

PRO TIP: All social channels are good social channels. Your Facebook network will vastly differ from your LinkedIn network, but each offers its unique value. Don’t be shy about promoting your campaign across all of them to spread the word! 

Example Thank You

It’s critical to thank every donor. Your success wouldn’t have been possible without them! Send a personalized email or thank you note, acknowledge them directly on your fundraising page by leaving a comment, or give them a shout-out on social media. 

Subject – [Add Powerful Subject Line]

Dear [Name],

My fundraising campaign has officially wrapped, but the impact of your contribution will continue! I am extremely grateful for your support of [Your Organization]

With your help, I have raised [$X] towards [Your Organization’s Mission]. Follow [Your Organization] on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to stay current on their work and see how your donation is fueling their mission.

Thank you again for your generosity.


PRO TIP: Don’t underestimate the power of an old-fashioned handwritten card! It only takes a few minutes and can have a big impact on those you send it to.